Intensive Psychiatric Rehabiliation

Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services focus on improving personal capabilities while reducing harmful effects of psychiatric disabilities, resulting in an individual's recovery techniques and the ability to perform a valued role in society. Clients will develop high levels of coping skills through self-discovery.

 Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services are provided in a natural setting, where clients choose an environment goal of living, learning, working, or social.

 Individuals using Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services participate in developing a detailed psychiatric crisis intervention plan that includes natural supports and self-help methods.

 Individuals using the Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services who are experiencing a significantly reduced ability to function in the community due to a disability are stabilized and experience role recovery by the receipt of Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services.

​Client Participation and Commitment
Clients involved in Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation (IPR) services will participate in cohorts ranging from 2-6 people in each cohort. The use of cohorts will help develop socialization techniques from the viewpoint of others. Each client will be committed to being in services for four to six hours per week for a two-year time frame. Person to Person services are available.


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Our IPR Program Manager, Douglas Krough, would be happy to help.



About Us
Contact Us
Phone: (319) 358-6800
Fax: (319) 358-6807 2406
Towncrest Dr, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA